Monday, September 6, 2010

1000 Things to be thankful for..............

I have been inspired by an amazing blog at to chronicle 1000 things to be grateful for.  The writer of the blog, Ann Voskamp, challenges her readers to see the beauty in the ordinary, to feel God's love in the everday and to be grateful for the mundane.  I grew up tending to have an "Eeyore" personality and choosing to see the negative more often than the positive.  As I have grown, aged and had children I have tried harder and harder to over-ride that part of my personality and this seems like the perfect experiment to begin with!  So, here it goes--I think I am going to try for 10 a day...............
1. A God who loves me and is real to me
2. A husband who loves me and will never leave me
3. Three beautiful, sweet, healthy children
4. The opportunity to live close to family
5. Great friends
6. Music..........of all kinds
7. Sisters who "get" me
8. My dog Kira who follows me everywhere
9. Homeschooling
10. A washer and dryer that work


  1. Thats awesome! I need to remember to be more thankful for the things in my life too! Oh, and I like the great friends part :)

  2. What a beautiful list! Enjoy this wonderful journey! I've loved making a list and find myself noting blessings all over the place now. In fact, sometimes when I find myself complaining, I inwardly pause and look for a blessing in the circumstance! :)
